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Ocean & Beach Soap

Ocean & Beach Soap

About Our Ocean and Beach Scents

Celebrating the Fragrances of the Sea and Salty Air

Our Ocean and Beach Scents are our aromatic souvenir line of handmade soaps that celebrate the scents and botanicals of the North Carolina Outer Banks and other coastal locations, created for retail shop in Manteo, on the Outer Banks of North Carolina.

We make scents like Ocean Rain and Beachcomber that recall leisurely walks on the beach, as well as soaps that help you cope with the results of especially sunny days, like Shea Butter Sunburn Soap, Bug-Me-No-More, and even Toasted Tootsies Foot Bar.

No doubt you deep sea anglers will want at least one bar of The Fisherman's Wife Soap, for all those fish you're going to catch and bring home!


Toasted Tootsies Shea Butter Foot Soap

A great, soothing foot soap just for the delicate tops of your toasted tootsies, and any other part of your foot that pays the price when you sunbathe or walk on the beach.

Price: $6.00
The Fisherman's Wife Soap

Made with stoneground cornmeal grits and pumice for extra efficiency in removing heavy fish oils from hands, as well as coffee grounds for reducing those tough fish odors!

Price: $6.00
Rum Runner Goat Milk Soap

Our Rum Runner soap is a scent combination just like that favorite tropical drink, with fruit juices and yes, a hint of rum, in our goat milk soap recipe.

Price: $6.00
Tahitian Vanilla Goat Milk Soap

Our Tahitian Vanilla Goat Milk Soap is a Vanilla scent enhanced with a little Coconut.

Price: $6.00
Outer Banks Vanilla Goat Milk Soap

Another tropical treat for beach goers, this Vanilla scent is enhanced with a little Coconut.

Price: $6.00
Ocean Rain Handmade Soap

Our Ocean Rain handmade soap captures the coastal mist and the scent of the beach after a storm.

Price: $6.00
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